In this episode, Bill Whittle spoke about wealth envy and the tax code, and is right on with his explanations. There are so many people that believe that unless everyone gets equal distribution then no one should get any. This is what is pushing America down a dark and frightening path. There are those in America that would rather everyone have NOTHING then a few people have more. This is the believe of the 99%'ers.
I am in no way, shape or form part of the 1%...however, I have no hatred for those that are. I know this is cliche, but when was the last time a poor person was able to employ people? Never. And the idea of hating business owners for making a profit is absolutely absurd. Without profits, they cannot keep their businesses running. If they cannot keep their business running, that puts people out of work.
Of course, this could easily be the plan of the current administration of the Food Stamp President. Loss of businesses and jobs would make more people turn to the government for assistance. Conspiracy theories aside, this could easily be the plan of this administration. They seem to have this believe that people cannot survive without government intervention. Personally, I'd prefer less government intervention.
Country Boy Can Survive by Hank Williams Jr. often comes to mind when I think of the state of America today. It talks about a living in the country and being able to survive on ones own without anyone's assistance. Whether you like country music or not, it is a great song. If some of the conspiracy theories were to come to realization, most of these country folks would probably have a better chance of survival then most city folks. And I say that as one of the city folks.
I just hope that if that day does come when the American people must once again rise up against a tyrannical government, and I pray that day never happens, that all people across this country will stand up for the America that our forefathers fought and died for and cast off the socialism that the leftists want in this country. There are plenty of socialist and communist countries in the world. If you want to live under one of these governments, move to one of these countries. This is the Republic of the United States of America, One Nation Under God, Indivisible With Liberty and Justice for All.
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