
Sunday, September 2, 2012

September 2, 2012 - National Empty Chair Day!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!  Oh wait!  I'm sorry, Labor Day has been cancelled this year due to lack of participation.

Instead, let's all celebrate National Empty Chair Day!  So, don't forget to put an empty chair in your front yard tomorrow!  Don't be afraid of the Obama that he needs to go and we need a REAL President in the White House!

It is just ridiculous how the media coddles Obama.  There has been mudslinging in Presidential Campaigns going back as far as Adams vs. Jefferson looking to replace George Washington as President.  However, the leftist media is so in love with Obama that they lambaste anyone that dare speak out against their demigod.

The great thing about it being 2012 instead of 1796, however, is that we are not relegated to only getting our information from main stream media.  We now have alternate media sources that aren't controlled by the Obama-worshiping leftists.

I actually find it entertaining to watch my local news, especially when they start talking about politics.  Their left leaning preferences are so incredibly obvious it is pathetic.  I actually used to be Facebook friends with a local reporter that I grew up with.  He didn't unfriend me during the Walker recall, where I was posting pro-Walker items daily, which surprised me.  Whenever I heard him on-air, his leftist preferences were so obvious, so I actually had a bit of respect for him for not screaming at me for having a different opinion then him.

Then, he saw my Pro-Life, anti-murdering-babies posts.  I mean, what did he think, that I was a conservative, christian woman that believed in abortion?!?!?!  I posted a picture similar to this one, and that is what set him off.  He commented on the picture that it was rather extreme.  This was shortly after Live Action came out with their videos of women seeking sex-selective abortions at Planned Parenthood.  I responded with links to the Live Action videos, Pro-Life information and other informative sources.  I few of my Facebook friends even joined in.  He promptly not only unfriended me, but also blocked me!  Love how open-minded and welcoming of differing ideas leftists are!

Okay, so this has been a bit of a stream-of-consciousness, all-over-the-place type of post, but I guess its just that kind of day!  Everyone have a great National Empty Chair Day tomorrow!  Remember to share a cold one with our empty-suit in am empty-chair of a President!

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