
Monday, September 17, 2012

September 17, 2017 - Shocking Romney Video

OMG!  Did you hear?  Can you believe it?  You just know this is going to clinch the election for Obama! that I'm done channeling libtards, have you seen the "shocking" video yet?  Mother Jones magazine posted a "super-secret video" today that was "smuggled" from a Mitt Romney private fundraiser this year.  I watched the video, and all I thought was...they thought this was shocking?!?!?!

In the video Romney talks about how 47% of the people will vote for Obama no matter what.  This 47% are the government dependents.  Those that think that the government should provide for them.  In other words, those that agree with the OWS morons, and the antithesis of the right!

While those on the left think this is shocking, those of us on the right should not be at all surprised at this.  This 47% of the population pays NO income taxes.  It is the remaining 53% of us that are paying for them.  All Romney is talking about in this video is how this 47% is practically guaranteed to vote Obama, if they vote at all, because they know that we on the right will not continue to play to them with their so-called entitlements.  If they want money, insurance, a nice place to live, they need to get off their lazy asses and get to work.

If you try to tell me that there are no jobs...I will just laugh at you.  Right now, go to Craigslist and look under pretty much any job classification and you will find postings.  Yes, many of these are not glamorous jobs, but guess what, they are still jobs!

If I had to choose between working multiple minimum (or not much above it) wage jobs or having no job at all...I'll take the minimum wage jobs each and every time.  Currently, I only work one job, and I make a decent living with good benefits.  I've also been with the same company for the last eight years working my way up.  I did not come into the company making enough to support myself the way I wanted to live.  Therefore, I picked up extra jobs.  I worked 70+ hours a week for years working 2-3 jobs.  Sure, I didn't have time to go out with friends all the time, or even just time to sit at home and watch TV or be online.  All I did was work.  But guess what...I could pay all of my bills.  My car payment, rent, cell phone, utilities, and my student loans.  It was hard, but I made that choice.  I could have lived differently.  I could have found a roommate and paid less in rent or not had a cell phone, etc. and saved money.  However, I decided how I wanted to live, and knew that if I wanted to live like that I would need to work more than 40 hours a week to pay for it.  I chose what to keep and what to give up.  It is hard, but we need to take personal responsibility and live within our means.  And if our means isn't enough to live the way we want, we better increase those means through more work.

You can call be spoiled, or claim that I had advantages that others didn't, but all that is just excuses.  I was raised by a single mother, my father died when I was only 5 years old.  He did not have life insurance and left us with nothing.  My mother did daycare out of our house until I was in high school.  She had a good job as a secretary prior to my older sister being born in the late seventies, but she made the choice to stay home with her children, instead of sending us to daycare.  However, she realized that they still needed additional income besides what my father made in his manual labor jobs, so she started doing daycare.  After my father died, she kept doing daycare because she still was not willing to send us off to daycare to be raised by someone else.  Sure, things were tough.  She knew how she wanted to live, and how she wanted to raise her children however, and she made sacrifices to make it happen. When I was in high school and she finally decided to get an "outside job" she was definitely in for a shock.  She was out of the workforce for all of the 1980's and most of the 1990's.  She could barely use a computer when she first went back to work.  However, she worked hard and has since moved her way up at her company to be the assistant to the president of the company.  I may not agree with her on everything she has done, and all of her views on life, politics and many other things, but I am still proud of her.

Those on the left have this misguided idea that they are entitled to things just because others have them.  One of the many wonderful things about America is that we are all given equal opportunities, we just don't guarantee equal outcomes.  If you are smart, however, you fear equal outcomes.  If everyone had equal outcomes, we would be living in a communist society.  I love that I live in a country that I have the opportunity to succeed or failed based on my own merits.  If I make the choice to work hard and sacrifice to reach my goals, I have the opportunity to reach my goals.  If I sit at home and complain that someone else has more then I have and how it is not fair, I have the opportunity to fail.

Personally, I am looking forward to having a President that is looking out for the welfare of this country (and I don't mean those on welfare).  A President that wants America to succeed.  A President that wants to return America to the greatest country in the world.  If you are ashamed to say that you live in the greatest country on Earth and that country is America, I feel sorry for you.  Never be ashamed to be an American, and never apologize for your God-given, inalienable rights!

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