
Saturday, September 1, 2012

August 31, 2012

Hope everyone had a chance to watch the amazing speeches at the RNC! I am in LOVE with the Romney and Ryan families. I am a Wisconsinite, so Paul Ryan is not new to me. Been following him for years, and think he is a great man who honestly wants to change this country for the better!
That said...welcome to my page! I have LOTS of opinions and I have no problem sharing them! A coworker came up to me the other day and asked if she could get my opinion on something. I told her no...I don't have any opinions...would have been better if either of us could have kept from laughing before I finished saying it!
One of my biggest peeves...idiots that claim to be Conservative or Republican then say they are voting for Obama! Really?!?!?!?! So you want to live in a socialist country? Because that IS what he is trying to do to America! Those same idiots are the ones that say "Romney won't be any better." Really? What factual evidence do you have that says Romney will do the exact same things Obozo has done the last 4 years? NONE, that’s what! The two couldn't be any different. It’s the "community organizer" versus the business man, the muslim versus the Christian, the man that has drug America down with him versus the man that wants to restore America to greatness! Anyone that votes for Obama is an uninformed idiot, a socialist, a communist or just hates America.
Personally, I think America is the greatest country on Earth. Any American that is afraid to say that should be deported. I am tired of having a president that thinks it is okay to bow down before other countries. That promises "flexibility" to Russia! Russia knows we have a joke for a president, why do you think they are currently testing our defenses. A plane on the west coast and a submarine in the Gulf at the same time. What else could they be doing? Don't think for a second that they wouldn't try to take America if they thought they could. Four more years of Obama and we easily are the United Socialist States of America! 

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